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JCC High School Counseling Center

2024-2025 Scholarships & Opportunities

JCC High School Graduation Requirements 

Printed check off sheets are also available in the Counseling Center.



College in the Schools (CIS)offers high school students the opportunity to earn college credit and high school credit at the same time. Students must qualify to earn dual credit. The courses offered at JCC HS and the qualifications students must meet can be found on page 3 of the 2025- 2026 JCC HS Catalog of Course Descriptions. A major benefit of taking CIS classes is that the classes are taught by high school teachers who are available every school day. Students know their high school teachers and have easy access to getting extra help.


Postsecondary Enrollment Options (PSEO)might look like an attractive way for students to begin earning college credits; however, the high school student who qualifies is expected to be an independent learner. They are treated as college students and communicate directly with college staff. The high school counselor confirms the qualification, collects the JCC HS PSEO Information sheets, distributes and sends in the registration forms with transcripts to the college, and approves substitutions for required high school credits. All other steps are the responsibility of the PSEO student. They work directly with the PSEO Advisor and/or college professors. Closely read the JCC HS PSEO Information Sheet sheet. It serves as a student’s notice to our district of possible interest in PSEO. Printed copies are available in the Counseling Center. It is important for the student and parent/guardian to understand the benefits and consequences of participating in PSEO.

Link: More information on dual enrollment can be found on the state website.

The ACT is offered at no cost to all Juniors each spring. is an ACT prep program offered free to all JCC High School Students. Students have been made aware of the opportunity. Ask for more information from the high school office staff, your school counselor or school social worker.

JCC High School's code: 241-215


ACT National Test Dates

2024-2025 National Test Dates Schedule


If you plan to participate in Division 1 or 2 college athletics after high school, you need to register at Talk to your coaches. Talk to our Athletic Director. It is recommended that you take two years of Spanish and a 4th year of higher level math and/or science to meet the core requirements for eligibility. Register early so you know the eligibility requirements.


Official transcript requests for all JCC graduates and past students are handled by our administrative assistant in the high school office. 

All current students have access to view their transcripts on their IC account under "documents." If an official transcript is needed, it is requested from the school counselor. Forms are available in the Counseling Center. During the summer, contact staff in the high school or district office.

Final transcripts for all graduates must be requested prior to the high school graduation ceremony and will be mailed to the college/university the graduate releases it to.

When student athletes register with a clearing house, a release for a transcript is automatically generated and will be submitted by the high school counselor. Athletes are encouraged to register early with NCAA or other clearing house so all requirements are planned for and met during their high school career.