Driver's Education
JCC Driver Education Information
Driver's education is through community education. We will try to post the updated information below or it can be found in the community education catalog linked above or go to JR's page directly.
Steps to getting driver’s license:
- Take 30 hours of classroom training (must be at least 14 years old).
- Take and pass written permit test (must be 15 to take test).
- Drive with parents and log at least 50 hours with parent, 15 at night.
- Drive 6 hours with Behind the Wheel instructor.
- Must have permit at least 6 months before taking driving exam. (Unless getting *Farm permit)
- Take and pass driving skills test, must be at least 16 (15 for farm permit).

Parent Meeting:
Voluntary parent meeting (no students) to learn more about your child’s driving, GDL, risk factors, teen driving statistics, and other state laws regarding your child’s driving. If at least 1 parent attends, then student needs to log only 40 hours instead of 50 hours.
**All parents attending will be eligible for a gas gift card.
Behind the Wheel
Schedule early! Don’t wait until the week before your 16th birthday!
Driving with Parent/Log Sheet
Minnesota state law now requires you to drive and log 50 hours with your parent, 15 hours must be at night. Official Log Sheets available at high school office, on the school website ( go to High School, click on info tab, select Driver Education, then driving log). Completed log sheet must be brought to your driving test.
***IF at least one parent attends the 90 minute Parent Meeting, you only need to log 40 hours***
Driver and Vehicle Services
445 Minnesota Street • Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101-5176
Phone: 651.297.3298 • Fax: 651.296.5316 • TTY: 651.282.6555