JCC Booster Club

The Jackson County Central Booster Club is a major fund raising organization for the JCC Athletic programs. The main fund raising venue of the club is operation of the concession stand(s) in the fall and winter seasons.  Each team is assigned times/events to work.  The teams are asked to provide 3 to 5 kids, depending on the event.  Along with the kids working, we will be asking parents to provide adult supervision for the event.  Please consider offering your assistance when you are asked.  We need your help!


Approved Wish Lists and Donations:

2016 - $24,765

2017 - $21,579

2018 - $22,992


If you wish to become a more active member of the Booster Club or to learn about Booster Club activities, contact one of the people listed below.
Becky Benson – 507-840-0103

Chadd Preuss – 507-841-2480

Jo Ann Gumto – 507-327-7802